    Artist Language Category
    Band Lyric author Song composer
    Total 44 songs.
    N/UNameFirst lineKey
    O christmas treeO christmas tree, O christmas tree!C
    O christmas tree! 2O christmas tree! O christmas tree!C
    O come, all ye faithfulO come, all ye faithfulA
    O holy nightO holy night, the stars are brightly shining.G
    O holy nightO holy night, the stars are brightly shining.G
    O little town of BethlehemO little town of BethlehemF
    O little town of Bethlehem 2O little town of BethlehemG
    O tannenbaumO tannenbaum, o tannenbaumC
    Obb bobb bobbÉg hélt út í hagaD
    Ob-La-Di Ob-La-DaDesmond had a barrow in the market placeG
    Ode to JoyOde to Joy
    Of feit fyrir migHér er léleg vísa sem þú lærir undir einsD
    Ofboðslega frægurHann er einn af þessum stóruF
    Og Co.Ef ég kynni að skrifa
    Oh darlingOh darling please be lieve me A
    Oh, Mary, Don’t You WeepWell if I could I surely wouldG
    Ohne DichIch werde in die tannen gehenF
    Okkar nóttÞað er komið kvöldBb
    On A plane
    On the road againOn the road again, just can't wait to get on the road againE
    Once in royal David’s cityOnce in royal David’s cityA
    Oneis it getting betterA
    One day in cherapunjiOne day in cherapunjiD
    One day in your lifeI know, thats just the way it goesA
    One more songWith you I can see my dreams come trueC
    One nightOne night with you
    One of usIf god had a nameGb
    One of usIf god had a name
    One Way I lay my life down at your feetB
    One way or anotherOne way or another I’m gonna find yaD
    One/ MetallicaTab
    Only SixteenShe was only sixteen only sixteen D
    Open Your HeartEvery time you close your eyesE
    OperatorOperator could you help me place this callG
    Orðin mín Einhvern tíman ef til vill og órlangt frá þessum stað.
    Orðin mínEinhverntíman ef til vill E
    OrginalÞað er ekki nóg að hafaA
    Ormurin LangiVilja tær hoyra kvæði míttG
    Ort í sandinnÁstarljóð til þín ég yrki í sandinnBb
    Ostur og KanillÉg heiti Njáll handsterkiG
    Other sideHow long how long will I slideA
    Out of reachKnew the signs wasn’t rightB
    OutsideAnd you, you bring me to my kneesE
    Over the rainbow Somewhere over the rainbow C
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